Wajer voted Frisian company of the year 2022

After presentations of the three finalists, A.P. van den Berg, Jongia, and Wajer Yachts, the latter was chosen by the four-member jury as the Frisian company of the year.
The exciting finale, presented by singer/songwriter Elske DeWall, took place in different locations in Sneek. “We are very happy with this honorable title and see this as a big compliment to all our employees,” said Dries Wajer of Wajer Yachts.
Before the final, the jury visited the three finalists for an in-depth look at the business operations, the product, the market, and the employees. Then the finalists presented themselves once again to the jury and the public during the final. The jury, consisting of Commissioner Friso Douwstra, entrepreneur Jennifer Westers, entrepreneur René de Heij, and last year's winner Pieter Kooi, paid attention to themes such as innovation, inventiveness, sustainability, and the creation of opportunities in changing market conditions. Wajer Yachts was eventually voted by the jury to Frisian Company of the Year 2022. It’s a pearl in Friesland and above all an international diamond. It is not just about building special yachts but also about the total concept. That makes this company a worthy winner," said jury chairman, Deputy Friso Douwstra.
Due to the growing demand for luxury yachts and the excellent service for which Wajer Yachts is known the company is growing significantly. Wajer Yachts yard in Heeg will be enlarging two existing production halls and building a new boathouse (where the 23-meter Wajer 77 can enter) in collaboration with architect Piet Boon. In addition, both the yards in Heeg and Lemmer and the branches in Amsterdam, the South of France, and the Balearic Islands strengthened the teams to meet the rising demand. Dries Wajer, Managing Director at Wajer Yachts: “We are very proud that our boats around the world are increasing in numbers. This success is partly because they are completely built-in Friesland, by the best professionals. That is why this title, Frisian Company of the Year, is a crown on all employees’ work.”