Welcome your Wajer event great success

Welcome your Wajer event 2024 sunrise
22 APR 2024

On Sunday, April 14, we kicked off the new season in spectacular fashion.

Clients who came to christen their new Wajer were taken to the Heegermeer lake, where a floating mirror box on a 25 x 18 meter platform was waiting for them.

For fifteen minutes the group was "locked" in the dark box, where Dries Wajer gave a speech welcoming the newcomers to the Wajer family. After the impressive musical accompaniment of drums, the walls folded open and everyone saw their brand new Wajer shining in the sun. A total of 12 Wajers were delivered.

'No one knew what was going to happen and the excitement was palpable. When the mirror box opened, we had goose bumps all over. A fantastic way to show our new customers their new Wajer.' says Dries Wajer.

Watch the full aftermovie


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