From her flared bow to the unmistakable tumblehome stern, the Wajer 37 boasts a sleek and smooth silhouette. She was the first boat ever equipped with Volvo’s revolutionary IPS propulsion system, resulting in spectacularly improved sailing experience and unprecedented reduction in noise levels and fuel consumption.

Wooden finishes, ionized steel detailing and marine-proof fabrics make the Wajer 37 a sophisticated classic, still very much ready for today. And tomorrow.
See for yourself

Explore the 37 in detail

11.30 meters
37.07 feet
3.75 meters
12.30 feet
0.90 meter
2.95 feet
9 tons (half load)
9 tons (half load)
2x Volvo Penta IPS 400 D6-300hp
2x Volvo Penta IPS 400 D6-300hp
Top speed
40 knots (IPS 600)
40 knots (IPS 600)
Cruising speed
28 knots (IPS 600)
28 knots (IPS 600)
300 nautical miles
300 nautical miles